Quick Answering. Online Mastering is an algorithmic and automated mastering service available today offered by many different companies. Online Mastering services tend to offer a lower cost and fast turnaround, though sometimes at the cost of faster recording, better quality formats, and a greater ability to edit a track in a specific way. Mastering can be done digitally via the Internet, but is also accomplished on traditional recording media like tape or vinyl. There are many pros and cons to both approaches. The best option will depend upon the budget and the type of music being produced.
Algorithmic Mastering. This is done with the help of a computer-generated program that interfaces with an audio software program to record and edit the master. Online audio software has advanced capabilities that include sound-shaping, rack-mount options, and recording of up to 4 audio channels simultaneously. Some online mastering services work in conjunction with other industry professionals to ensure that your mix is accurate and has been edited properly.
Digital Mastering. Also known as “CD-R” or “DVD-R” recordings, they have been virtually eradicated from the market. Online Mastering services have replaced these obsolete master copies, which are made on analog equipment. These online mastering services convert the original master onto digital format and store it on a server.
Audio Interpreters. These are programs used to add, edit, and analyze digital audio. Audio Interpreters performs digital mastering tasks like amplitude expansion, equalization, compression, and editing of digital signals. These programs are run by an editor, not an amplifier. Online audio editors typically have their own servers but some companies rent servers from professional audio engineers who have been trained in the use and operation of audio editors.
Loudness Boosters. These applications can be used to increase the volume level of a track or part of a track to make it more audible. They are sometimes called “ampersives.” These tools are useful when you want to make recordings at very loud levels without sacrificing the quality of the music. Online mastering services that offer loudness boosters often have their own servers where they store the master copy of each track so you will have the same master copy when you need it.
Color Correction. In music mixing, different instruments produce different tones. This is compounded when the same instrument is used on different tracks. An online mastering service can apply color correction to the tracks, so you end up with a better sounding mix. You’ll need a powerful program to do this, such as Adobe Audition. If your online mastering service offers this feature, ask them about it.